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Corona turned your house into a school?.. ideas to overcome the dilemma successfully

Millions of parents around the world are now living the trauma of a serious outbreak of Covid-19 virus; to ensure their loved ones and keep their spirits up, arriving to deal with the sudden closure of schools and the transfer of education to “Home schooling”, which throws the ball in the parents’ playground in the first place. It forces them to adapt to dozens of challenges.

Let’s listen to meaningful ideas provided by education experts in safe transit for your student son and provide educational and emotional support to him; when he is ultimately isolated away from normal life and daytime activities..

Shaimaa EssaCorona turned your house into a school?.. ideas to overcome the dilemma successfully
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Corona’s Isolation” has it paved for distance learning?.. Experiences around the world

UNESCO has published a number of general indicators on the impact of the “Covid-19” virus on the disruption of study in the countries of the world, affecting 80% of the world’s students, about 1.37 billion students after the closure of their local schools and the forced isolation in Their homes fear the epidemic, prompting their governments to find solutions across the distance learning system and pushing young people, their families and teachers to adapt to it.


With 3 out of 4 students around the world missing learning due to the epidemic, nearly 60 million teachers from 138 countries meet outside their classrooms; UNESCO has considered an international coalition to support distance learning and share its experiences for more psychological, moral and technical adjustment of societies with that challenge in education.

Shaimaa EssaCorona’s Isolation” has it paved for distance learning?.. Experiences around the world
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Don’t be a dinosaur!.. Trends “Indispensable” in future schools

Bernard Marr is an international name in book sales related to future science, information management, artificial intelligence, and education technology, which is why many institutions and governments rely on him as an accredited consultant. He emphasizes in his programs and book series that learning is a lifelong process, and otherwise we will not go into a future that needs different skills than we are used to, and always emphasizes that the role of the teacher is no longer to explain the devoted curriculum but to open the doors of knowledge and motivate the young people who fly around him and carry!

Shaimaa EssaDon’t be a dinosaur!.. Trends “Indispensable” in future schools
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When will E-learning succeed for school students?

In an article published in the American magazine Ed Tech, which is interested in education technology, Doug Bondrod (an award-winning problem-solving through technology, innovation and the human dimension) writes that the walls of traditional schools are crumbling in favor of tachnology education in the next five years.

Shaimaa EssaWhen will E-learning succeed for school students?
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5 Emerging Trends in 21st Century Education

New technologies remain a boon to school leaders and educators seeking to hone their skills and keep pace with the transformations of the 21st century.

In a recent article published on the blog “GETTING SMART”, the educational trainer, Scott Freiberger, points out the emergence of new technologies that are instilled in the curriculum, which have made teachers rethink all aspects of their role in the classroom, the most important of which are:

Shaimaa Essa5 Emerging Trends in 21st Century Education
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Hawwaz participates in “GESS Dubai” with the Modern Digital Training System

Hawwaz platform for digital training participates in the World Education Supplies and Solutions Exhibition “GESS”, which starts today and continues until February 27. It is the interface of the latest innovative educational platforms in parallel with international workshops and conference for international education experts.

Shaimaa EssaHawwaz participates in “GESS Dubai” with the Modern Digital Training System
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Tebyan in “GESS Dubai” A digital library of education resources for Arab teachers

The digital library of education resources for Arab teachers “Tebyan” participates in the World Education Supplies and Solutions Exhibition “GESS”, which starts today and continues until February 27, attended by a group of experts in the fields of education, including experts, educators and international developers.

Shaimaa EssaTebyan in “GESS Dubai” A digital library of education resources for Arab teachers
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“Askzad” The largest Arab index participates in “GESS Dubai 2020”

“Askzad” The largest Arabic digital index participates in “GESS Dubai 2020” the World Education Supplies and Solutions Exhibition, which starts today and continues until February 27.  It is the destination of international education experts and its modern applications.

Shaimaa Essa“Askzad” The largest Arab index participates in “GESS Dubai 2020”
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“Bareq” at the finals of “GESS DUBAI” exhibition awards

In it’s first participation,”Bareq” the  new platform for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers, which is part of “Kalemon” integrated modern system, came last night on the final list at the ceremony honoring the best applications of education at the “Gess Dubai” 2020 exhibition, for two categories of basic and virtual smart learning.

Shaimaa Essa“Bareq” at the finals of “GESS DUBAI” exhibition awards
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Digital data bank “Schoopedia” participates in the GESS 2020 exhibition

Schoopedia, the digital enrichment data bank for schools, is preparing to participate today in the 13th “GESS Dubai 2020” the World Education Supplies and Solutions Exhibition, which begins with the participation of experts and developers of educational content and its applications around the world.

Shaimaa EssaDigital data bank “Schoopedia” participates in the GESS 2020 exhibition
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